Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Stormy weather

It's been storming here in mid-Missouri for the past 2 days.  They are forecasting 5 inches of rain for the area this week.  We needed some rain but not quite that much.  I went outside this morning in my pj's to start draining the pool cover of all the rain water, took one step onto the stairs leading off of the pool deck and promptly fell and slid down 4 steps on my left leg.  Now I'm bruised from my ankle to my hip.  Ouch!  Not to mention, even though no one saw me, a little bruising to my ego.  I'll be sporting some pretty bruises for my daughter's graduation.  Might have to wear pants.

Hope the weather is good wherever you all are.  If not, happy crafting on a rainy day!


  1. Oh no!

    I fell 2 days ago. No water to blame, just a stair!

    I hope you heal fast!


  2. Thanks! I'm bruised but I think my ego is just as bruised. Thankfully nothing broken or pulled.
