Friday, October 23, 2009


I've done like many of you other crafters out there and joined a few of the social media sites to self promote my items. I joined facebook, flickr, started blogging, and joined twitter. My favorite thing to do, I hate to admit, is tweet.

All this week I've been conducting a mini survey of my own to see if it really helps with getting your items seen. I can honestly say that it does. I wrote down the views for some of my items and then tweeted about them. The views on my Etsy items and e-bay items definitely went up compared to last weeks views when I wasn't into shameless self promoting.

Now I haven't had a sale from any of my tweets but at least there are more people out there looking at my crafts. And that's a good thing!


  1. I'm still completely surprised you still have the Whatever pillow. It's beautiful and the price is absolutely great. I've even tweeted the listing.

  2. Well... like you, I have definitely seen an increase in my "views" from Twitter, but I was beginning to wonder how much help it is if everyone I'm connecting with is also trying to promote their own items. That said, I also bought two items I happened upon from Twitter this weekend. Hmmm?

  3. Robin, Thanks for the compliments on the pillow. I did something outside my normal "Country" stuff and thought it would sell as well. Thank you so much for tweeting about it.

  4. ThePaperStop, Thanks for commenting on my blog. I wasn't sure how much it helped to tweet but my sales are increasing and I think it's due to twitter. I've made 3 more sales this week. I also love to browse through the tweets. Shows you unique items you might not have found.
